Monday, October 10, 2011


My family went out to our cabin this Saturday morning. Once we got out there I realized how freezing cold of a weekend it is going to be. I did pack some warm clothing but with my thin blood it wasn’t enough. I was freezing cold, so I let myself drink tea, I know I said only water but I didn’t want to get sick so I need to stay warm.
Thanksgiving is a special time of year, where families come together and have a wonderful meal together being thankful for everything that has happened that year. I love thanksgiving and getting together with friends and family and eating some of the best food I’ll have all year long. Once I actually started to think about it. I realize I wouldn’t be overly thankful or friendly to people on Sunday (at Arlington the Thanksgiving Banquet was on Sunday night). I would be eating rice and my stir fry while watching 250 other people eating stuffing, pumpkin pie, and all kinds of salads plus turkey. It was a tough decision but I decided that I would be able to eat all day on Sunday.
It was a wonderful day, I got up and had cheerio’s, bacon, milk, coffee, chips, cake and grilled cheese all before supper came. I was mainly eating all day long. But after the kind of week I had I figured I needed a day off and what better day than Thanksgiving.  I really enjoyed having a day off and it help me realize how much I love food and how badly I actually missed food.
Today I am back on food but i haven’t been overly hungry yet. It’s possible I eat too much on Sunday that I would be super hungry for a few days which is totally fine by me. The hungry pains aren’t fun so if they don’t want to come back that’d be great but I am sure the hungry pains will but if its just not for a few days that totally works too.

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