Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I woke up hungry; I ate my bowl of rice and was still hungry. I went all morning being very hungry. This has to be the hardest day yet. I imagine that this will be what the rest of the week will be like. Hungry all the time, I am not enjoying this at all. I came home from school wanting to give up, and stuff my face with ketchup chips, milk, pizza, Reese’s pieces, fuzzy peaches and to top it all off peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. All of my favourite things to eat, but I am not a quitter so I didn’t lucky.
During my English class, I saw a tall Starbucks cup. It looked like the best drink ever. There was wiped cream on top drizzled with chocolate. I felt like I was about to foam at the mouth over looking at this drink. I couldn’t even smell the drink; I was only looking at it from five desks down the row. This all sounds kind of pathetic but its how I was feeling. The hunger pains are intense and I am praying they will go away before Thanksgiving this weekend.
I was doing this to be able to know what third world families go through every day. But I realized that they probably won’t have the same pressures that I do. I see food that I want to eat plus I know of some greats foods too. The other families might not know of places like Starbucks, Boston Pizza and The Keg. Plus they have most likely always eaten the same foods, not had so much choice. They wouldn’t know what they are missing out on. Unlike me where I can see everything I am missing out on right in front of me.
In some ways I think this adventure is teaching me how to be more responsible on how much I am eating during my day. When I am bored, I eat; when I am sad, I eat; when I am hungry, I eat; when I’m happy, I eat, it kind of seems like I am always eating. However, food is just so good, that I almost can’t help myself. I am for sure learning how to have more self-control. I am controlling myself to only eat rice, not to drink anything other than water and most of all, not to cheat when I’m alone and it’d be so easy to. I’ve never thought that I had good self-control, but after this I’m almost positive I will have a ton of self-control in more than just the area of eating.